OK Euph, the game is not over. The first hurdle is jumped, now we have to wait for the second. If we had reliable crystal balls we would know the answer, right?
Guest 77
some months ago i heard that hillary will be drafted as president at the democratic convention.
well, this is no longer a rumor.
on the hannity & colmes show last night, foxnews, this 'rumor' was confirmed to be true.. the reason for the public silence (not told on the show) but by the rumor mill, is to keep hillary on a low profile, not to create a public stir.
OK Euph, the game is not over. The first hurdle is jumped, now we have to wait for the second. If we had reliable crystal balls we would know the answer, right?
Guest 77
here's something i wanted to throw out for debate.
there is a line in a smashing pumpkins song that says "something always gets lost in the translation.
" how true of a translation of the bible do you think you can find?
Right on stillexj. Once you understand that everything is about control, the pieces fall into place. Ah, the lust for power! Greed has no morals.
uest 77
some months ago i heard that hillary will be drafted as president at the democratic convention.
well, this is no longer a rumor.
on the hannity & colmes show last night, foxnews, this 'rumor' was confirmed to be true.. the reason for the public silence (not told on the show) but by the rumor mill, is to keep hillary on a low profile, not to create a public stir.
Thanks for that site D.R. It only confirms what I said in the beginning. I heard this rumor some months ago. On that site it said in part, "...we have been pushing for months now..." That is, 'drafting' Hillary."
It will be interesting to see how this scenario plays out.
Guest 77
here's something i wanted to throw out for debate.
there is a line in a smashing pumpkins song that says "something always gets lost in the translation.
" how true of a translation of the bible do you think you can find?
Chevy, an interesting post. I like to go back to the 'context' of your post and that is, "How true of a translation of the Bible do you think YOU can FIND?...I remember little things...'A' and 'The'...completely changed the meaning of the English scripture."
Back in May of this year I was reading a book by Vivien Kellems titled, "Toil, Taxes and Trouble" One Women's Crusade to End the Federal Income Tax, and I can across some interesting points that's in line with your question.
The Publisher's Preface to the second edition had this say about Jesus words to the subject of paying taxes. I will quote accordingly from the Pub's preface. The account is recorded in Matt.22:15-22 as well as in mark mark 12:13-17 and luke 20:20-26. The religious leaders and hypocrites had gathered to try to trap Jesus into making a politically incorrect statement about the payment of taxes. They had asked Jesus if it was lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Jesus recognized their wickedness and said, .., "Show me the coin used for the tax...Whose face and name is this? They said to him Caesar's. So he said to them, 'Then give back to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's."
One of the remarkable elements to this story is that Jesus never spoke against paying taxes. he just wanted to see that everyone got his just due - both to God and Caesar. And even more, the funamental question as to who owes what and how much - and to whom (or for whom) it is owed - has been overlooked by most commentators. The reason for for this oversight has to do with mistranslation in the text. The problem is with one of the verbs in Matthew 22:21. Note how the verb is translated as "give back" in the ISV while other translations erronesly translate the verb as 'Render" in the NKJ. "Give" in the NIV, NLT and NRSV.
You see, the versions of the Bible above have translated the operative verb as "to render" or "to give." That is to say, the presumption is that Caesar and God are to be "given to" in the same fashion. But only the ISV brings forth the marvelously subtle elements of the Greek verb here. The proper word choice is not "give' but rather "give back." And there is a world of difference. Jesus was saying that everything belongs to God in the first place. Ina very real sense, God is "owed" everything that we have. he is our source. But in the Roman world, Caesar was God. In these passages, to "give back" is the proper translation in regards to obligations to God and to Caesar for the audience to whom Jesus was speaking.
But America is not Rome. And the principles on which America was founded say that our money belongs to us first, as the people earn it. And all of these rights are "inalienable" meaning that they cannot be taken away by the government. Further, in America the government's ability to govern AND to tax is derived from the consent of the governed, i.e. "We the People." Therefore if Jesus were speaking these words to America today, He would say "Then give to America the things that are America's, and give back to God the things that are God's."
May I say, the book is an interesting read.
Guest 77
some months ago i heard that hillary will be drafted as president at the democratic convention.
well, this is no longer a rumor.
on the hannity & colmes show last night, foxnews, this 'rumor' was confirmed to be true.. the reason for the public silence (not told on the show) but by the rumor mill, is to keep hillary on a low profile, not to create a public stir.
Euph, what evidence did they give? Well, this rep for this group has been promoting the drafting of Hillary in 38 States.
This subject matter was based on a rumor, and all I'm doing is reporting that this is no longer a rumor to 'draft' Hillary. I mean, I do don't see any difficulty in understanding the post. It's like someone sharing a plan or sharing a partial story and they'll tell you the rest later. In the meantime you remain quiet until its confirmed. Since this movement came on National TV and revealed its intentions and what it has been doing, it's no longer a rumor.
I repeat, I don't give a hoot is in office, it comes down to party politics. The end result will be the same except some like to party along the way (take the scenic route) while the other party wants to get the job done ASAP.
Guest 77
some months ago i heard that hillary will be drafted as president at the democratic convention.
well, this is no longer a rumor.
on the hannity & colmes show last night, foxnews, this 'rumor' was confirmed to be true.. the reason for the public silence (not told on the show) but by the rumor mill, is to keep hillary on a low profile, not to create a public stir.
Euph, it's not a rumor. It was on National TV!
Guest 77
some months ago i heard that hillary will be drafted as president at the democratic convention.
well, this is no longer a rumor.
on the hannity & colmes show last night, foxnews, this 'rumor' was confirmed to be true.. the reason for the public silence (not told on the show) but by the rumor mill, is to keep hillary on a low profile, not to create a public stir.
Whatever case, there will be a 'harmonica' waiting for her at the White House.
Guest 77
ok, here's a problem that i am looking for a little advice with.
my fiance is an ex jw and his parents (and other family members) are still practicing.
they have pretty much totally cut him off since he moved in with me.
OK, here's a thought. Since he would feel 'uncomfortable' and they will not attend if there's any religious affiliation, send them the invitation saying, by the way, there is a religious affiliation. Their conscience will excuse them from attending and he will feel comfortable. Just a thought, take it with a grain of salt.
Do you think I have the bases covered?
Guest 77
some months ago i heard that hillary will be drafted as president at the democratic convention.
well, this is no longer a rumor.
on the hannity & colmes show last night, foxnews, this 'rumor' was confirmed to be true.. the reason for the public silence (not told on the show) but by the rumor mill, is to keep hillary on a low profile, not to create a public stir.
Thanks for all your interesting thoughts and comments. As I said in the begining, I heard about it a few months ago and I just let the rumor slide until yesterday's talk show.
Yeru, I 'll share drinking the wine with you. It really sounds goooood about now. It seems that their giving Clark a rough time and his poll numbers are not that great.
It really makes not difference to me, it's just a matter of having a new bus driver. Having a female pres. would be interesting though. In the event she gets in, I wonder if she will do what Bill did in the oval office? That would be one helleva pay back! Ahhh to dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guest 77
some months ago i heard that hillary will be drafted as president at the democratic convention.
well, this is no longer a rumor.
on the hannity & colmes show last night, foxnews, this 'rumor' was confirmed to be true.. the reason for the public silence (not told on the show) but by the rumor mill, is to keep hillary on a low profile, not to create a public stir.
Grethchen956, no I'm not kiddding. Have you been following the news of late? Even Senator Joseph Lieberman who was interviewed last night was concerned over the events that are taking place. This is reality. Don't worry about me, I'm loose as a goose. As I've said, if I'm wrong, I'm wrong, period.
As to 'increase' religious tolerance, its the ACLU that's promoting to remove God and the Nativity scene in public school & places! Who are they?
Guest 77